Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Chapter 16 Teaser


I nodded as our eyes locked. I felt the heat from his gaze and my stomach turned over. I couldn’t concentrate while I thought of all the places his mouth had been not half an hour ago. I felt the buzz of him against my skin and between my legs.

“Then I can’t wait to read it. Kate is right, it was breathtaking.” He was still focused on my face though the conversation had moved on.

“It was your class that gave me the courage to submit it.”

“You did not need my tutelage, your voice was decipherable from the start.” He stepped to me and removed the flower from my ear. “This goes on your left ear. When it’s worn on the right it means the girl is looking for love. The left is closer to the heart and shows she’s taken.” He tucked it behind the correct ear and ran a single finger tip down my cheek.

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