Friday, November 19, 2010

Chapter 30 Tease

Before I get right into it, I want to thank you readers for your patience. I know this has been the longest I've ever taken to update. My promises from before are still true, I will not flounce completing/posting this story. The last few weeks have been a swarm of illness, pestilence, and writer's block. The story is there, I know where it's going, but when I sit down to write nothing comes out. I'm expecting the locusts shortly.

So instead of giving you utter crap, I'm taking my time. Please don't give up on me, I haven't yet. :)

Here's the teaser for Chapter 30, hopefully due out soon:

I rubbed soap bubbles down my leg. I knew what he meant but it still felt wrong, like I was taking advantage of what we were doing. As though I was using the one thing that was giving me joy and destroying it all at the same time, to further my own selfish needs.

“You don’t think you deserve it, do you?” he asked. His fingers reached across the space between us and caught a drop of water rolling down my cheek.

“Deserve what?”

“Success. Happiness.”

“Maybe not,” I answered, leaning forward to wrap my arms around my knees.

Edward sighed and moved off the chair. He knelt next to the bathtub and placed his chin on the edge. He took the empty wine glass from my hand and dipped it beneath the surface. A long trail of warm water snaked down my back.

“You could blame me instead, you know. I pursued you when I knew I shouldn’t. It’s my fault. Blame me. Even if it meant you hated me, as long as you were happy again.”


  1. OMG!!! I am dying for the update!! Looking forward to reading it!!!!

  2. LOVE, Love, love this story. Checking everyday for an update.

  3. Thanks so much y'all! The new chapter is with the betas :) and I'm working on review replies. Woo hoo!

  4.'s really no one's fault but that is so hard to accept. Cannot wait for the rest of the chapter. Thanks :)

  5. I have been checking and re-checking your site for months...I'm dying for the continuation!!! :D

  6. I was instantly hooked on this story and am very sad that there have not been any update in a very long time. I would love to see how it all turns out.
